sing to me sing to me

wrap that voice around me

♪ a troubadour & a thief ♪

a ffxiv roleplay character
A'shei Tia on mateus (crystal)


◆ A'shei (ash-ey)
◆ male
◆ miqo'te (seeker of the sun)
◆ early 20s
◆ pansexual (male leaning)
◆ wandering bard
◆ singing voice: one, two

When A’shei was but a babe, his mothers left their tribal home and took him and his older sisters to the gentle forests of the Shroud, in the want of a quieter life. While far from the lap of luxury, he had a relatively privileged upbringing in all regards, as his mothers did their best to ensure they wanted for nothing, and he grew up knowing naught but love. But as youthful hearts are wont to be, he craved a life more exciting, and it was in the middle of his sixteenth summer that he left home in the dream of adventure, of glory and riches.

Adventuring, as he quickly discovered, was not quite as glamorous as the tales had led him to believe. The treasures were rarely more than worthless trinkets, there was little renown in slaying rodents, and all in all, it was just far too much work. It was too dirty, too sweaty, too tiring, and the coin was not worth the effort, A’shei thought. Still, he had little desire to return to working for his mothers’ shop selling herbs and flowers, and so resolved to make his own way.

Being possessed of more than a little musical talent, A’shei found there was a nice amount of gil in performance, and for a fraction of the effort and none of the mess of adventuring. A pleasing face and easy charms certainly helped, and it mattered little to him if it was a sweet song or honeyed words that got him what he desired, whether it be coin, a meal and a drink, or a warm bed for the night. While he never set out to be a petty thief, he was nothing if not resourceful, and if, either by manipulation or happenstance, the opportunity presented itself to part a fool with their riches, then so be it.


◆ He grew up in the Shroud and still considers it home, and if he's not out hustling for coin he can often be found lounging about in Gridania. He hates Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa and only goes there if absolutely necessary.
◇ He used to work at his mothers' shop, somewhere in the North Shroud, selling flowers and herbal remedies. He was taught botany and now makes his own herbal tea blends for a variety of uses, not all of them pleasant.

◆ Like his mother, he has a talent for conjury and is quite a skilled healer, although he does not commune with nature as she does; if only he would use this talent for some actual good.
◇ There are rumours he holds a white mage soul stone, but as those are restricted to the Padjali, surely any rumours are just that? (but if he did have such a stone, he would never admit to what it was or from where it came.)

◆ Reading epic tales of heroes and adventure as a child instilled the love of adventuring in him - or at least, the idea of it. While adventuring itself was not for him, he still loves to hear such tales from others, and now it inspires him in a different way.
◇ He still reads a lot in his quiet moments, and has a small collection of books.

◆ While he performs mostly for the coin, he does have a genuine love for song and dance, and loves to watch others perform as well. He particularly loves plays and musicals, and wishes he could see a show by the Majestic Imperial Theater Company one day. He is quietly obsessed with the Zodiac Braves story.

◆ Although he is not lacking in confidence, he is not naturally outgoing. If there is naught he wants from someone else, he tends to keep to himself; one might say he is fond of the quiet and the solitude, although there is a certain loneliness that comes with that.

♪♪ playlist


remi ◇ australia (gmt+8) ◇ discord: Remi#7002
◇ unless otherwise stated, i drew all the art on this carrd!

◆ 21+ rp partners and characters only, please & thank you!
◇ i'm australian, my times are weird! i try to be flexible however, so feel free to slide into my DMs if you want to set something up. my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked so i can probably accommodate tbqh.
◇ i don't mind when people hit me up on discord but please be aware that i am an idiot who wanders away mid-conversation and forgets to reply i am very sorry. it's not personal.

◆ i love all sorts of rp tbh: one-offs, long term, slice of life, dark/mature themes, romance, friendships, rivals... i love building on relationships (of any sort!) between characters, and i am absolutely feral for long term plots & intertwined multi-character stories.
◇ i'm fussy when it comes to romantic relationships! i like long term/ slow burn pls.

◆ i'm happy to rp either in game or over discord, whatever works for everyone involved! i do prefer discord for long term things, at the least for planning etc, due to my timezone.
◇ i can be slow to reply i'm sorry. i'm just always tired and my brain is dumb.
◇ i like taking cute screenshots. pls take cute screenshots with me.

◆ i love drawing my boy & i love drawing characters together, but please don't rp with me expecting art because you'll only be disappointed. i disappoint myself enough.


◆ A'shei is a bratty dom-leaning switch
◇ if he's paid enough he'll be whatever's wanted from him
◇ bisexual? more like "buy me something and i'll get sexual"

♥♥♥ bondage, shibari, orgasm control/denial

⨯ underaged characters, lalafells.